Conversion factors

Conversion factors applied to trade data to facilitate analysis

Converted from Converted to
[l]Grams; milligrams [l]Kilograms (kg)
[l]Millilitres [l]Litres (l)
[l]Centimetres [l]Metres (m)
[l]Pairs [l]Whole values [1 pair = 2 items]
[l]Sides [l]Whole skins [2 sides = 1 skin]
[l]Timber (including logs, sawn wood, veneer etc) in kilograms [l]Cubic meters (m3) [calculated using the mid-point of the range of specific weights provided in the CITES Identification Manual (Vales et al., 1999[1])].

[1] Vales, M. A., Clemente, M. & García Esteban, L. (1999) Timber identification. In CITES Identification Manual: Flora. CITES Secretariat, Switzerland.