Wild collected exports

This section provides an overview of EU and candidate countries’ reported exports and re-exports of CITES-listed species in 2013. As in 2012, Tridacna maxima was again the species directly exported by the EU in the highest quantities from the wild; the majority of other wild-sourced exports (excluding trade for scientific purposes) comprised hunting trophies. The commodities exported at the highest volumes from all sources were: medicine from Cairina moschata[1]; live plants; and live sturgeon eggs. The number of plant taxa traded at high volumes increased from 15 taxa in 2012 to 35 taxa in 2013, primarily due to an increase in the number of species exported as seeds that met the criterion.

Trade in artificially propagated Appendix-II plants and re-exports of manufactured articles of Appendix II species have been excluded from the analyses in this chapter. Throughout the chapter, ‘exports’ refers to both direct exports and indirect exports (re-exports), unless otherwise specified.


This section focuses on wild-sourced trade originating in the EU (including both direct exports and re-exports where both the exporting country and the country of origin are EU Member States). In 2013, Member States reported 430 export transactions involving wild-sourced species originating in the EU; these transactions were mainly recorded for scientific purposes (60%; Figure 4.1). The remainder comprised mainly commercial trade in live Tridacna maxima[1] and hunting trophies of Ursus arctos (Table 4.1).

Wild-sourced exports for scientific purposes involved 143 different taxa, including 108 Scleractinian corals and 20 mammals (including Ursus arctosLynx lynx, L. pardinus and Canis lupus, among others).

Percentage of wild-sourced (re )export transactions originating in the EU in 2013, as reported by the exporters, by purpose (n=430). ‘Other’ includes purposes ‘B’, ‘E’, ‘Q’ and ‘Z’.

Wild-sourced (re-)exports originating in the EU in 2013, as reported by the (re-)exporters. Trade for scientific purposes (purpose ‘S’) is excluded.

[i]Taxon[/i] App./Annex Exporter (origin, if applicable) Importer Qty Term (unit) Purpose
Mammals [i]Canis aureus[/i] III/C Croatia Russian Federation 1 trophy H
Mammals [i]Canis aureus[/i] III/C Croatia United States 8 trophies H
Mammals [i]Canis lupus[/i] II/A Croatia United States 2 trophies H
Mammals [i]Canis lupus[/i] II/A Estonia Iceland 1 body H
Mammals [i]Canis lupus[/i] II/A Romania FYR Macedonia 2 trophies H
Mammals [i]Canis lupus[/i] II/A Romania Norway 1 trophy H
Mammals [i]Canis lupus[/i] II/A Romania Philippines 1 trophy H
Mammals [i]Canis lupus[/i] II/A Romania Switzerland 2 trophies H
Mammals [i]Felis silvestris[/i] II/A Croatia Russian Federation 1 trophy H
Mammals [i]Felis silvestris[/i] II/A Croatia United States 6 trophies H
Mammals [i]Felis silvestris[/i] II/A Romania Ukraine 1 trophy H
Mammals [i]Lynx lynx[/i] II/A Estonia United States 1 skin H
Mammals [i]Lynx lynx[/i] II/A Estonia United States 1 trophy H
Mammals [i]Lynx lynx[/i] II/A Finland Russian Federation 1 trophy P
Mammals [i]Lynx lynx[/i] II/A Sweden Norway 2 bodies H
Mammals [i]Lynx lynx[/i] II/A Sweden  Norway 3 skins H
Mammals [i]Ursus arctos[/i] II/A Croatia United States 3 trophies H
Mammals [i]Ursus arctos[/i] II/A Finland Norway 1 trophy H
Mammals [i]Ursus arctos[/i] II/A Germany (Bulgaria) Switzerland 1 trophy H
Mammals [i]Ursus arctos[/i] II/A Romania Mexico 1 trophy H
Mammals [i]Ursus arctos[/i] II/A Romania Norway 1 trophy H
Mammals [i]Ursus arctos[/i] II/A Romania Russian Federation 5 trophies H
Mammals [i]Ursus arctos[/i] II/A Romania Switzerland 4 trophies H
Mammals [i]Ursus arctos[/i] II/A Romania Tanzania 1 trophy H
Mammals [i]Ursus arctos[/i] II/A Romania Turkey 2 trophies H
Mammals [i]Ursus arctos[/i] II/A Romania Ukraine 13 trophies H
Mammals [i]Ursus arctos[/i] II/A Romania United States 4 trophies H
Mammals [i]Ursus arctos[/i] II/A Sweden Norway 1 body H
Mammals [i]Ursus arctos[/i] II/A Sweden Norway 3 skins H
Mammals [i]Ursus arctos[/i] II/A Sweden Norway 3 skulls H
Mammals [i]Ursus arctos[/i] II/A Sweden Norway 4 trophies H
Mammals [i]Ursus arctos[/i] II/A Sweden Switzerland 1 skin P
Mammals [i]Megaptera novaeangliae[/i] I/A France Australia 1 skin piece E
Mammals [i]Tursiops truncatus[/i] II/A France Australia 1 genitalia E
Mammals [i]Tursiops truncatus[/i] II/A France  Australia 2 specimens E
Mammals [i]Monodon monoceros[/i] II/A Belgium (Denmark) Australia 1 tusk T
Mammals [i]Monodon monoceros[/i] II/A Belgium (Denmark) United States 1 tusk T
Mammals [i]Phocoena phocoena[/i] II/A France Australia 1 specimen E
Birds [i]Accipiter nisus[/i] II/A Denmark United States 1 skeleton P
Birds [i]Aegypius monachus[/i] II/A Germany (Spain) Switzerland 1 live B
Birds [i]Aquila pomarina[/i] II/A Latvia United States 2 live Z
Birds [i]Tyto alba[/i] II/A United Kingdom South Africa 1 body T
Reptiles [i]Chelonia mydas[/i] I/A France Switzerland 1 carapace P
Fish [i]Cetorhinus maximus[/i] II/B United Kingdom Qatar 1 body Q
Invertebrates [i]Tridacna maxima[/i] II/B France Brazil 300 live T
(other than coral) [i]Tridacna maxima[/i] II/B France China 150 live T
(other than coral) [i]Tridacna maxima[/i] II/B France Japan 250 live T
(other than coral) [i]Tridacna maxima[/i] II/B France New Zealand 60 live T
(other than coral) [i]Tridacna maxima[/i] II/B France Singapore 250 live T
(other than coral) [i]Tridacna maxima[/i] II/B France Switzerland 100 live T
(other than coral) [i]Tridacna maxima[/i] II/B France United States 14247 live T
Corals [i]Acropora[/i] spp. II/B France Switzerland 2 raw corals P
Corals [i]Montipora[/i] spp. II/B France Switzerland 1 raw coral P
Corals [i]Fungia[/i] spp. II/B France Switzerland 1 raw coral P
Corals [i]Pocillopora damicornis[/i] II/B France United States 1 specimen T
Corals [i]Porites[/i] spp. II/B France Switzerland 4 raw corals P
Plants [i]Adonis vernalis[/i] II/B Germany (Romania) South Africa 1 dried plants (kg) T
Plants [i]Barlia robertiana[/i] II/B France Japan 3 derivatives T
Plants [i]Cyclamen purpurascens[/i] II/B Germany (France) Switzerland 2 medicine (kg) T
Plants [i]Cyclamen purpurascens[/i] II/B Germany (France)  Switzerland <1 medicine (l) T


[1] Reported by France; the top importer, the United States, reported the exporter as French Polynesia.

Candidate countries reported 75 direct export transactions of wild-sourced species in 2013, the majority for commercial purposes (68%; Figure 4.3). Wild-sourced exports for purposes other than “scientific” involved eight taxa, including the Annex A species Canis lupus (Table 4.9). Direct trade in wild-sourced scientific specimens involved ten skin pieces of Annex A listed Tursiops truncatus exported by Montenegro to Croatia.

Proportion of wild-sourced direct export transactions reported by candidate countries in 2013, by purpose (n=75).

Wild-sourced direct exports reported by candidate countries in 2013. Trade for scientific purposes (purpose ‘S’) is excluded.

Taxon App./Annex Exporter Importer Qty Term (unit) Purpose
Mammals [i]Ammotragus lervia[/i] II/B FYR Macedonia Italy 1 trophy P
Mammals [i]Canis lupus[/i] II/A FYR Macedonia Czech Republic 1 trophy P
Mammals [i]Canis lupus[/i] II/A FYR Macedonia France 1 trophy P
Mammals [i]Canis lupus[/i] II/A FYR Macedonia Georgia 1 trophy P
Mammals [i]Canis lupus[/i] II/A FYR Macedonia Hungary 3 trophies P
Mammals [i]Canis lupus[/i] II/A FYR Macedonia Italy 2 trophies P
Mammals [i]Canis lupus[/i] II/A FYR Macedonia Netherlands 1 trophy P
Mammals [i]Canis lupus[/i] II/A FYR Macedonia Poland 1 trophy P
Mammals [i]Canis lupus[/i] II/A FYR Macedonia Russian Federation 4 trophies P
Mammals [i]Canis lupus[/i] II/A FYR Macedonia Spain 2 trophies P
Mammals [i]Canis lupus[/i] II/A FYR Macedonia United States 6 trophies P
Fish [i]Anguilla anguilla[/i] II/B Turkey Republic of Korea 4500 fins T
Invertebrates [i]Hirudo verbana[/i] II/B Turkey Bulgaria 8 live (kg) T
Invertebrates [i]Hirudo verbana[/i] II/B Turkey France 250 live (kg) T
Invertebrates [i]Hirudo verbana[/i] II/B Turkey Germany 150 live (kg) T
Invertebrates [i]Hirudo verbana[/i] II/B Turkey Korea, D.P.R. 13 live (kg) T
Invertebrates [i]Hirudo verbana[/i] II/B Turkey Lithuania 2 live (kg) T
Invertebrates [i]Hirudo verbana[/i] II/B Turkey Republic of Korea 13 live (kg) T
Invertebrates [i]Hirudo verbana[/i] II/B Turkey Switzerland 3 live (kg) T
Invertebrates [i]Hirudo verbana[/i] II/B Turkey United Kingdom 60 live (kg) T
Invertebrates [i]Hirudo verbana[/i] II/B Turkey Uzbekistan 12 live (kg) T
Plants [i]Galanthus elwesii[/i] II/B Turkey Netherlands 5166150 live T
Plants [i]Galanthus woronowii[/i] II/B Turkey Netherlands 3243150 live T
Plants [i]Cyclamen cilicium[/i] II/B Turkey Netherlands 44400 live T
Plants [i]Cyclamen coum[/i] II/B Turkey Netherlands 401540 live T

[1] Correspondence with France confirmed that this represents trade in homeopathic medicine, reported in number of drug packets.