Candidate countries

This section aims to highlight instances of imports into candidate countries in 2013 of species whose import would not have been permitted under EU import restrictions in place at the time of analysis (June 2015)[1]. Table 7.5 summarises imports of species covered by EU import suspensions while Table 7.6 summarises imports of species covered by negative opinions. No such transactions were reported to Iceland, FYR Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia. It is important to note that the transactions listed in this section did not contravene any CITES or EU regulations, as the countries in question had not acceded to the EU in 2013 and therefore the EU suspensions and SRG opinions were not yet applicable.

Imports to candidate countries in 2013 of species suspended under Commission Regulation (EC) No 2015/736. (N.B. Transactions listed in this section did not contravene any CITES or EU Regulations; countries are not required to comply with EU Suspension Regulations until they accede to the EU.)

Taxon Annex Origin (re-exporter) Importer Purpose Source Qty (Imp.) Qty (Exp.) Term (unit) Reg. 2015/736 Suspension notes
[i][l]Poicephalus gulielmi[/i] B [l]Congo [l]Turkey T W [r]30 [r] [l]live b [l]
[i][l]Varanus dumerilii[/i] B [l]Indonesia [l]Turkey T W [r] [r]6 [l]live b [l]
[i][l]Varanus salvadorii[/i] B [l]Indonesia [l]Turkey T W [r] [r]2 [l]live b [l]
[i][l]Candoia carinata[/i] B [l]Indonesia [l]Turkey T W [r] [r]8 [l]live b [l]
[i][l]Liasis fuscus[/i] B [l]Indonesia [l]Turkey T W [r] [r]7 [l]live b [l]
[i][l]Python reticulatus*[/i] B [l]Malaysia [l]Turkey T W [r] [r]12 [l]live b [l]Applies only to populations of Peninsular Malaysia.
[i][l]Python reticulatus*[/i] B [l]Malaysia [l]Turkey T W [r]11318 [r]14470 [l]skins b [l]Applies only to populations of Peninsular Malaysia.
[i][l]Malayemys subtrijuga[/i] B [l]Indonesia [l]Turkey T W [r] [r]6 [l]live b [l]
[i][l]Notochelys platynota[/i] B [l]Indonesia [l]Turkey T W [r] [r]7 [l]live b [l]
[i][l]Siebenrockiella crassicollis[/i] B [l]Indonesia [l]Turkey T W [r] [r]20 [l]live b [l]
[i][l]Amyda cartilaginea[/i] B [l]Indonesia [l]Turkey T W [r] [r]4 [l]live b [l]
[i][l]Euphyllia paraancora[/i] B [l]Indonesia [l]Turkey T W [r] [r]4 [l]live b [l]Except maricultured specimens attached to artificial substrates
[i][l]Euphyllia paradivisa[/i] B [l]Indonesia [l]Turkey T W [r] [r]19 [l]live b [l]Except maricultured specimens attached to artificial substrates
[i][l]Euphyllia paradivisa[/i] B [l]Indonesia [l]Turkey T W [r]8 [r] [l]raw corals b [l]Except maricultured specimens attached to artificial substrates
[i][l]Cynarina lacrymalis[/i] B [l]Indonesia [l]Turkey T W [r] [r]46 [l]live b [l]Except maricultured specimens attached to artificial substrates
[i][l]Cynarina lacrymalis[/i] B [l]Indonesia [l]Turkey T W [r]37 [r] [l]raw corals b [l]Except maricultured specimens attached to artificial substrates

Key: ‘Qty (Imp.)’= quantity reported by the importer; ‘Qty (Exp.)’= quantity reported by the exporter. See Annex A for a complete list of purpose and source codes.

Imports to candidate countries in 2013 of species subject to negative opinions of the Scientific Review Group at the time of writing (June 2015). (N.B. Transactions listed in this section did not contravene any CITES or EU Regulations; countries are not required to comply with EU Regulations until they accede to the EU.) Quantity rounded to one decimal place, where applicable.

Taxon Annex Importer Origin (Re-exporter) Purpose Source Qty (Imp.) Qty (Exp.) Term (unit) SRG negative opinion date Opinion notes
[i][l]Catalaphyllia jardinei[/i] B [l]Turkey [l]Indonesia T W [r]90 [r]113 [l]raw corals 08/12/2014 [l]Except maricultured specimens attached to artificial substrates.
[i][l]Euphyllia cristata[/i] B [l]Turkey [l]Indonesia T W [r]283 [r]300 [l]raw corals 08/12/2014 [l]Except maricultured specimens attached to artificial substrates.
[i][l]Plerogyra sinuosa[/i] B [l]Turkey [l]Indonesia T W [r]55 [r]111 [l]raw corals 08/12/2014 [l]Except maricultured specimens attached to artificial substrates
[i][l]Plerogyra turbida*[/i] B [l]Turkey [l]Indonesia T W [r]180 [r]302 [l]raw corals 08/12/2014 [l]Except maricultured specimens attached to artificial substrates
[i][l]Eguchipsammia fistula*[/i] B [l]Turkey [l]Indonesia T W [r]537 [r]879 [l]raw corals 08/12/2014 [l]
[i][l]Heliofungia actiniformis[/i] B [l]Turkey [l]Indonesia T W [r]572 [r]909 [l]raw corals 08/12/2014 [l]
[i][l]Hydnophora microconos[/i] B [l]Turkey [l]Indonesia T W [r]200 [r]299 [l]raw corals 08/12/2014 [l]Except maricultured specimens attached to artificial substrates
[i][l]Cynarina lacrymalis[/i] B [l]Turkey [l]Indonesia T W [r]37 [r]46 [l]raw corals 08/12/2014 [l]Except maricultured specimens attached to artificial substrates
[i][l]Scolymia vitiensis[/i] B [l]Turkey [l]Indonesia T W [r]10 [r]15 [l]raw corals 08/12/2014 [l]Except maricultured specimens attached to artificial substrates
[i][l]Trachyphyllia geoffroyi*[/i] B [l]Turkey [l]Indonesia T W [r]225 [r]440 [l]raw corals 08/12/2014 [l]Except maricultured specimens attached to artificial substrates

Key: ‘Qty (Imp.)’= quantity reported by the importer; ‘Qty (Exp.)’= quantity reported by the exporter. See Annex A for a complete list of purpose and source codes. *Trade in Eguchipsammia fistula, Plerogyra turbida and Trachyphyllia geoffroyi were recorded in trade under the synonyms Dendrophyllia fistula, Nemenzophyllia turbida and Wellsophyllia radiata, respectively.

[1] This includes species suspended under Commission Regulation (EC) No 2015/736 and any species subject to SRG negative opinions in place on 20/06/2015.